Sunday, March 21, 2010

Integration complete :-)

This weekend Chloe and Sherri fully integrated into my pack of 7 hounds - a feat not always managed by even a single foster!

Over a 10 day period, these girls have gradually gone from being just with each other in my separate foster area, to spending closely supervised time indoors and outdoors with my own hounds. Then they began to sleep overnight with my hounds instead of separately. Next they've started staying with my hounds when I leave for work. With each step, they assimilated beautifully.

Sherri and Chloe are very well adjusted and social hounds,
and have mixed perfectly with the rest.

The last step was to begin to eat with my hounds.
That can be a delicate matter because it involves food,
and some dogs are possessive about their food,
especially around strangers.
Nine greyhounds eating together :-0

Calm, not at all pushy, and fully accepted by the others.

Since they are the newbies, they eat last,
and they were good about waiting for their dishes.

They did swap sides for the first meal,
so Sherri got Chloe's fish oil.
They're now back to their usual positions.
I'm so proud of them!!!

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